Our company is a Russian-based manufacturer of agricultural feedstuffs. We produce granulated feeds for all kinds of livestock and poultry. Our feedstuffs are duly certified according to quality standards established by the Russian standardization authority which can be confirmed by declarations of conformity. The total capacity of the production site is up to 400 tons per month.
We make products using ingredients of the highest quality, and which is more important they are completely safe and natural. All our feedstuffs include a special probiotic feed additive. If needed, we can manufacture custom-tailored products according to the specific parameters and recipes provided by the client.
• We compose the recipes for our products using the latest advancements and developments of the animal feed science and technology.
• Our feedstuffs contain vitamins, minerals and nutrients essential for the livestock to achieve their full potential.
• Our feedstuffs come in a form convenient for feeding agricultural animals.
• Our feedstuffs decrease the amount of feed consumed by an animal per unit of body weight gain.
Our company is a direct manufacturer which means we can offer our customers very attractive prices. We can also offer volume discounts for big orders.
Benefits for Using Feedstuffs with the Probiotic Feed Additive
• Boost in productivity leads to up to 5-7% live weight increase by the end of the course as well as to shortening of the fattening period.
• Egg-laying rate improvement and production life increase in hens.
• Decrease in feed consumption up to 4%. Feed conversion rate increase.
• Active synthesis of ferments. Boost in proteins and amino-acids digestibility.
• Comprehensive amino-acid content improvement in poultry meat. Amino-acid sum improvement of 3-5% and essential amino-acids increase of 2.7% compared to the control group indicates protein interchange intensification.
• Post treatment intestinal microflora restoration.
Peter Ulanov
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Our company is a Russian-based manufacturer of agricultural feedstuffs. We produce granulated fee. Москва Животноводство * Купить в России недорого без посредников продать
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