CO2 Extraction Equipment. For many years the Kiinja corporation has been one of the leading suppliers of extraction equipment of all sizes for all botanical oil businesses and private entrepreneurs. In recent years, the oil market has changed significantly, mostly due to the legalization of cannabinoids in many countries and their further use as natural plant oils, including cannabis and others. The oil extracted from cannabinoids does not have any psychoactive effects but at the moment many companies and scientific groups widely use it in medicine, pharmacology, and cosmetology.
Besides, Kiinja provides equipment that is ideal for the extraction process of natural oils of various plants in any volume you need. And for the best result, we provide only the finest equipment to obtain only the quality product. Does this mean that this equipment is expensive? For the most part, yes, supercritical CO2 extraction equipment is one of the most costly extraction equipment available. But this is because only with the help of this extraction method you get the purest and highest quality final product while maintaining all the original qualities of the plant material. Supercritical extraction is the most environmentally friendly and high-quality method of all, therefore products obtained by this particular extraction method are especially appreciated on the market.
We design and manufacture only the best and most effective extraction equipment on the market. Fully automated equipment options are available so you can control the entire process from a tablet with an intuitive interface. Besides, the Kiinja CO2 extraction machines can come in various configurations and sizes, depending on what volumes of botanical oil you plan to produce. With the help of this equipment, the oil undergoes a full spectrum refining, while maintaining all the qualities of the natural product. Among all the possible extraction methods, this one also stands out for its fine-tuning and control of any nuances during extraction using temperature and pressure.
Along with the fact that with the help of our equipment you can extract the highest quality natural product, it is also now possible much easier and faster than before. During use, you are in complete control over the process itself, and at the same time, this equipment will allow you to adjust your production process and optimize the capacity in your enterprise. Our certified machines are built to get the purest product possible in the shortest time possible in the volume you need. Therefore, if you are only interested in obtaining the highest quality oils and at the same time you want to earn a reputation as a quality manufacturer of botanical oils, our equipment will serve you well.
CO2 extraction equipment is rather expensive, so when choosing a supplier, you should only contact professionals. Our industrial equipment collection center is located in Fort Collins, Colorado, and we can currently cover the needs of any customer looking for quality CO2 extraction equipment. Only the most experienced specialists are involved in the production, and we use only the most optimal technologies to achieve the highest quality extraction equipment. Therefore, if you need CO2 extraction equipment that meets the highest quality standards, and which can serve you for many years, then you can always contact Kiinja!
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CO2 Extraction Equipment. For many years the Kiinja corporation has been one of the leading suppl. Форт-Коллинс Химическая промышленность. Станки, оборудование * Купить в США недорого без посредников продать
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